hamas human shield

Maternity ward 'martyrs': IDF kills terrorists hiding in Shifa hospital

At the Shifa Hospital on Sunday, Nahal forces killed terrorists and located numerous weapons hidden within the complex.

  IDF soldiers operating at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza, March 25, 2024

‘Hamas is firing mortars at Shifa’: IDF reveals Hamas abuse of Gaza hospital

Shortly after midnight on Monday, Hamas admitted on its Telegram channel that it had fired mortar shells at IDF troops in the vicinity of Shifa Hospital.


California Pastor: Hamas 'pimping' Palestinians as tools against Israel

"Hamas is responsible for what’s going on in Israel right now," he added. "Hamas is pimping Palestinians to achieve its goal... Just as it has historically always hidden behind women and children"

Hamas uses civilians as human shields, Gazan journalist states

Saftawi says it's the first time in a decade that he's been able to speak on this publicly.

Hamas returning to initial war zones after IDF withdrawal in specific areas

Gaza residents say that Israeli airstrikes are returning to the same areas Hamas formerly withdrew from.

Children, women and the elderly: Hamas observers who pass info to Sinwar

Sinwar has a massive network of people who seem like innocent civilians but are actually passing information to him. The planner of the October 7 massacre uses children in his network.


IDF uncovers, destroys explosive devices in UNRWA kindergarten in West Bank

Many weapons and other pieces of military equipment were confiscated and destroyed besides those found in the kindergarten. 

Stop being ‘the most moral military in the world’ - opinion

Israel remains committed to conducting “humane” warfare, seeking pride in being deemed “the most moral military in the world,” even if it comes at the cost of lethality and operational success.


A plea for Islamic voices against using human shields - opinion

Hamas and Hezbollah’s use of civilians as human shields is not only a serious violation of international laws of war, but it also stands in stark contradiction to the teachings of the Quran.


Shifa Hospital anticlimax: 200 Hamas forces evaporate into thin air? - analysis

Why did the IDF find more traces of hostages and more powerful weapons at the Rantisi Hospital only a few days ago?

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